Conference Programme
Book of Abstracts
You can find the Book of Abstracts 2023 here.
Keynote Speakers

Christina Grumstrup Sørensen
Christina Grumstrup Sørensen gave the keynote speech: Supplier of green capital to large scale renewable energy projects
Christina Grumstrup Sørensen is a senior partner at Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, the world’s largest fund manager of greenfield investments in green energy infrastructure. To date, CIP has raised EUR 19 billion from more than 140 international institutional investors worldwide. In her current role in CIP, she is particularly focused on Investment Management, working with its construction and operating projects as well as the technical and commercial aspects of its investments. Before joining CIP in 2014, Christina Grumstrup Sørensen was Senior Vice President in DONG Energy (now Ørsted), heading offshore wind project development. Before DONG Energy, Ms. Sørensen was an Engagement Manager at global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company for seven years. Christina Grumstrup Sørensen is a member of the board of directors of DSB A/S (the Danish Railway Company) and holds a Master of Science in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) from the Technical University of Denmark.

Kristian Jensen
Kristian Jensen gave the keynote speech: Energy Security vs Secure Energy
Kristian Jensen is CEO of Green Power Denmark, a non-commercial business organisation gathering around 1500 members from across the green energy value chain. Kristian Jensen has been a member of the Danish Parliament for The Liberal Party from November 2007 to March 2021. During this period, he was Denmark’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance, and Minister of Taxation.

Philip Cole
Philip Cole gave the keynote speech: Accelerating Wind Energy Growth in Europe: A Call for Robust Industrial Policy.
Philip Cole is Director of Industrial Affairs at WindEurope, the trade association representing over 500 companies in the wind industry. Focused on supporting and growing the wind energy industry’s manufacturing presence in Europe, he ensures that the voice of manufactures and the wider supply chain is heard and that they can access the support they need through his established networks within the European Commission, European Parliament, OECD and National Governments. His key focus areas include access to investments for supply chain infrastructure and ensuring a level playing field for European manufacturers. Since 2020, he has been a Board Member of the European Forum for Manufacturing which was established by the European Parliament to ensure that the requirements of the supply chain across Europe were taken into consideration when making policy decisions. Prior to joining WindEurope, he spent 10 years in strategy and commercial roles with a focus on Europe and the Middle East within global manufacturing organisations including Kellogg’s, Lindt & Sprüngli and L’Oréal.

Hans van Steen
Hans van Steen gave the keynote speech: Towards a Sustainable and Resilient European Energy System with Energy Efficiency
Hans van Steen is Principal Adviser for « an integrated renewable energy strategy towards the 2050 carbon neutrality objective » in the Directorate General for Energy in the European Commission.
Mr van Steen holds a Master’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Århus, Denmark. He began his career in the Danish Ministry for Education and later moved to the Ministry for Energy as Head of Sector for European and Nordic energy co-operation. He joined the European Commission in 1989 as a Seconded National Expert, working mainly in the area of energy technology dissemination.
Following several assignments in the Commission in the fields of energy and transport, he became Deputy Head of Unit for Inter-institutional Affairs (2001 – 2006), Head of Unit for Renewable Energy (2006 – 2013), Head of Unit for International Energy Relations and Enlargement (2013 – 2017) and Adviser on Renewables, Energy Efficiency Research and Innovation (2017 – 2022). He was Acting Director (Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency and Innovation) from 2018 to 2021. Mr van Steen took up his current position on 16 January 2022.

Goran Krajačić
Goran Krajačić gave the keynote speech: Opportunities for increasing energy efficiency and decarbonisation of heating in the Eastern and Southeastern Europe Goran Krajačić is associate professor at the Department of energy power, engineering and environment at University of Zagreb FSB. His field of work includes energy markets, research in energy planning, energy system optimization; island energy system modelling and optimization, development of models for simulation of energy systems, renewable energy sources, energy storage, energy economics and policy. Since his employment at DEPEE, he has been working on the many international and EU projects as well as on the national project Smart Energy Storage for Sustainable Development of Energy Systems. He worked on the development of SEAPs for local communities on islands and the development of financial mechanisms for support of energy storage technologies. He was also involved in the development of Strategy for self-sufficient island Unije as well as several other strategies for achieving 100% RES energy systems on islands. Currently, he is coordinating FSB’s participation in several Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and LIFE projects. Since 2002, he has been a member of the organising committee of the Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) Conference and he is secretary of the International Centre of Sustainable development of Energy Water and Environment systems. He is a member of the Croatian Academy of Engineering. The results of his scientific work were published in more than 100 papers and his h index is 35.

Aurélie Beauvais
Aurélie Beauvais gave the keynote speech: Resource efficiency: a new moto for the heating & cooling transition
Aurélie Beauvais is Managing Director of Euroheat & Power, the European association promoting sustainable district heating and cooling solutions. With extensive expertise in public affairs and political strategy, she spent more than ten years in Brussels shaping key European energy and climate legislation, from the Clean Energy Package to the Fit for55 package. She has held a number of executive and management positions in the energy and climate sector. Aurélie was Deputy CEO and Policy Director of SolarPower Europe from 2017 to 2021, and headed the European Affairs Department of the French Electricity Union from 2012 to 2017.
Presentations are accessible until the end of August 2024 via the Conference Platform
Only registered attendees have access.
Conference Committees
Prof. Anton Ianakiev, Nottingham Trent University, GB
Prof. Bent Ole G. Mortensen, University of Southern Denmark
Prof. Bernd Möller, University of Flensburg, DE
Prof. Christian Breyer, Lappeeranta University of Tech, FI
Prof. Dagnija Blumberga, Riga Technical University, LV
Prof. Erik Ahlgren, Chalmers University of Technology, SE
Prof. Ernst Worrell, Utrecht University, NL
Prof. Ingo Weidlich, HafenCity University, DE
Prof. Leif Gustavsson, Linnaeus University, SE
Prof. Marie Münster, Technical University of Denmark, DK
Prof. Mark Z. Jacobson, Stanford University, US
Prof. Martin Greiner, Aarhus University, DK
Prof. Neven Duić, University of Zagreb, HR
Prof. Richard van Leeuwen, Saxion University, NL
Prof. Stefan Holler, HAWK, DE
Prof. Sven Werner, Halmstad University, SE
Prof. Thomas Brown, TU Berlin, DE
Prof. Xiliang Zhang, Tsinghua University, CN
Prof. Urban Persson, Halmstad University, SE
Ass. Prof. Benedetto Nastasi, Sapienza University of Rome, IT
Ass. Prof. Paula Ferreira, University of Minho, PT
Ass. Prof. Younes Noorollahi, University of Tehran, IR
Dr. Hanne L. Raadal, NORSUS, NO
Dr. Hironao Matsubara, ISEP, JP
Dr. Matteo Giacomo Prina, EURAC Research , IT
Dr. Ralf-Roman Schmidt, Austrian Institute of Technology, AT
Dr. Robin Wiltshire, Building Research Establishment, GB
Anders Bavnhøj Hansen, Chief Engineer at, DK
Anders Dyrelund, Senior Market Manager at Rambøll, DK
Anders N. Andersen, Head of Dept. at EMD International, DK
Dietrich Schmidt, Head of Department at Fraunhofer, DE
Dirk Vanhoudt, Senior Researcher at VITO, BE
Fabian Levihn, Head of R&D at Stockholm Exergi, SE
Gareth Jones, Managing Director at Fairheat, GB
Jan‐Eric Thorsen, Director, Danfoss DCS Global Applications, DK
Jesper Møller Larsen, Division Director, Verdo, DK
John Bøgild Hansen, Senior Advisor at Haldor Topsøe, DK
Morten Abildgaard, CEO at Viborg Fjernvarme, DK
Peter Jorsal, Product and Academy Manager at Kingspan, DK
Steen Schelle Jensen, Head of Business Dev. at Kamstrup, DK
Ulrik Stridbæk, Vice President at Ørsted , DK